Walking is a great way to get fit. These are some of the advantages of this exercise:

·It does not require joining a gym or buying luxury equipment. It is totally free!
·It is easy to start because most of us do it every day. There is no learning curve!
·Walking has been shown to lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and relieve stress and depression.
·It can help you lose weight and reduce the risk of chronic ailments such as heart disease and dementia.
·It’s nice and something you can do with other people.
·It is usually a safe and risk-free physical activity.
·It is an easy type of exercise to continue doing. There are many places where you can practice!

If you are not used to exercise, you can start walking 10 minutes a day and increase as your physical condition improves. When you start, find the rhythm that suits you and every week try to add about three to five minutes to your daily walk. A good goal is to try to walk at least 30 minutes five times a week.

The best time to start a walking routine is right now. In fact, below we offer a walking program that is perfect for beginners.


Quick tips for walkers

·First warm the body by walking in place or start walking at a slower pace than normal for 3-5 minutes.
·To maintain flexibility or improve it, do stretching exercises for 5-10 minutes after heating the body or after walking.
·Maintain a good posture. Look forward, not toward the ground, with your chin high and head up.
·Be sure to drink water throughout the day before starting your walk.
·Put on shoes specifically designed for walking or exercising to be more comfortable and avoid injuries.
·Once you get used to your walking routine, feel free to move on to the next level. Here are some ways to change your walking routine to improve your physical condition:
·Increase speed for short intervals during your walk to speed up your heart rate.
·Increase the distance of your walks to increase your endurance.
·Walk faster and further, and incorporate some hills into your training.
·Make changes to your routine. One day travel a shorter distance faster and another day take a longer walk at a brisk pace.

Try to go for a walk with a friend some days and others to listen to music.

Via diabetes.org

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